Inflammation is a natural response of the body to trauma and infection. Our bodies contain
healing chemicals called cytokines. Cytokines are released when there is a need
to modulate healing. When cytokines are in play, we will have any or all of the
symptoms of inflammation: pain, redness, heat, and swelling.


Some doctors have the impression that inflammation is just a problem, and must be
suppressed. I agree that out-of-control inflammation must be controlled, but
not all inflammation is harmful. In fact, inflammation is essential to complete
healing from both trauma and infections.


For example, consider the healing of a twisted ankle. When strained hard enough, the
strained ligaments of a joint will release cytokine chemicals. Those chemicals
will go through a series of interactions and conversions until they will
finally activate Fibroblast cells to lay down new healing collagen fibers. This
normal process starts with productive inflammation.


Unfortunately, some people do not heal well. Their healing Cytokines may be limited causing
limited healing. Those people can experience increased and prolonged symptoms
of inflammation, any or all of pain, redness, heat, and swelling.


To reduce the symptoms of inflammation and optimize healing, we must support the conversion
of the healing Cytokines and increase the ultimate activation of the collagen-fibrin-producing
fibroblast cells.


The therapy I
use most often to support cytokines and all the types of healing they are
involved in is ozone therapy. Ozone, an energized form of the gas oxygen, is an
effective tool to push blocked cytokines toward ultimate healing.


treatment that turns blocked Cytokines into productive healing inflammation is
the herb Turmeric. It will also make inflammation a shorter and more productive


contrary to the opinion of some doctors, is not inherently bad. When supported,
inflammation is an essential part of all healing.


I offer a number of regenerative medical treatments that support the healing action of
inflammation. Let me know at your next appointment if you want to discuss a
plan to support your productive inflammation.